The Griffin Gaming Monthly Painting Competition Information

The Griffin Gaming Monthly Painting Competition Information

Brendan Mills |

Hello All,

I will be launching the 'Monthly Painting Competition' at Griffin Gaming in March. There are a few things to cover so please read on.


Each month will be themed towards an aspect of the hobby, it might be things like, small or large model, broken armour, blood, magic, the list goes on. You will have time before the month begins to prepare for that month. At least a week before the next month the 'Theme' will be announced.

Model Size

Small Model - 59mm model height and below, head to toe of model not including base decorations or tactical rocks. If you are in any doubt please contact me before you begin painting.


The next important part is when to submit your entry by, so you will have until the 27th of each month to submit your entry, any late entries but before the winners announcement will only be considered if informed before the deadline date and a good reason is provided.


Currently the judging will be conducted by Ian White (GusTheHut) & Brendan Mills (Griffin), categories considered but not limited to, general appeal, relation to theme, technical ability, originality and story.

Winners announced

The winning models will be announced live on stream the first Tuesday after the 27th of the month. The winning painters will then be informed via the method they used to sign up to the competition.


The competition will take two forms, in shop and online.

You can only enter one model each month, either In Shop or Online not both.
A model can only be submitted once, if you have already submitted your model a previous month, the current month entry will not be valid.

In Shop

Once the entry has been submitted, your model will be on display in the shop in one of our glass cabinets. As the model needs to be present the prizes are bigger.

How to enter - bring your model into the shop, fill out the entry form and place the model in the cabinet.

Models can be collected after the winners have been announced.


Once submitted your model will be shown on our website and social media, painters will be credited.

How to enter - fill in the online form, attach the images of you entry and that is it.



In Shop: 
1st Place - £15 Griffin Gaming Voucher & Winners Token
2nd & 3rd Place - £5 Griffin Gaming Voucher & Runners up Token

1st Place - £10 Griffin Gaming Voucher