GG Shop Talk Wednesday 29th September 2021 - Ep.21
Discord -
GriffinGamingHarlow Twitch -
GusTheHut Twitch -
Griffin Gaming Shop -
Talking points
- Up Coming Pre-orders and GW News
- Aeronautica Imperialis: Wrath of Angels
- Asuryani Nightwing Squadron
- Asuryani Phoenix Bomber Squadron
- Adeptus Astartes Xiphon Interceptor Squadron
- Adeptus Astartes Storm Eagle Squadron
- Aeronautica Imperialis Asuryani and Adeptus Astartes Aircraft Cards
- Aeronautica Imperialis Asuryani and Adeptus Astartes Dice Sets
- Aeronautica Imperialis: Outer Reaches Area of Engagement
- Aeronautica Imperialis: Imperial Navy & Ork Air Waaagh! Ground Assets
- Van Saar Weapons & Upgrades
- Warhammer +
- This weeks releases
- Kill Team BR
- Loremasters - Ghazghkull Thraka
- Materclass - Glazing
- Monthly Painting Challenge
- SC Vindicator in Black
- Next Months Challenge
- Geek Out
- Quantum Leap
- And More
- Listeners Questions
- New & Future Products
- TTCombat Now in stock
- Google Shopping up and working
- Raid a channel
- Close